Saturday, November 25, 2006

Everyone loves a parade

Last night was the Santa Claus parade in our neck of the woods. This was the first time that our city's parade has been an evening event instead of a daytime one. Last year I remember they were polling attendees on the street to ask whether we'd prefer a daytime or nighttime event, and I guess I was in the minority, because nighttime won out. It started at 7 and didn't get to where we were until almost 7:30, which is the time that Liam is normally in bed (especially on a Friday night when he has a whole week's worth of action at Cindy's to recover from). I didn't even think he'd stay awake long enough for the walk downtown. But he did, and once we got down there, there were enough kids and lights and big rig trucks festooned with lights and blowing their horns loud enough to shatter our eardrums that there was no way he was going to miss out on any of it. (We know Liam is enjoying something when he is sitting there watching with his mouth hanging open.) The highlight of the night for him was the local OSPCA entry, which consisted of about 20 people wearing Santa hats walking dogs. A close second was Santa himself. Liam is pretty good at recognizing Santa most of the time now, but he didn't catch on that Santa was Santa last night until the float had already passed him. Ah well, there's always next year.